Registration includes all retreat events, Friday 7:00 pm ET through Sunday 1:00 pm ET; all retreat materials; snacks on Friday evening; lunch on Saturday and Sunday; dessert on Saturday evening.

By Popular Demand! 

The "Kitchen Table" is open again, and we'll be sharing and discussing all new content! This special retreat, offered by request of those who have attended our past retreats, offers a special opportunity to be part of a unique group of folks (all of whom consider themselves more spiritual than religious) in an intimate and dynamic environment of exploration, study, and fun! And best of all, you get to help create the agenda!

All retreat sessions will be held in the beautiful home of Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton, who have generously opened their doors to invite us in! This warm, relaxing environment lends itself to inspiring creativity, open conversation, and spiritual growth!

Meet Your Spiritual Thought Leaders Who Will Facilitate the Retreat


Rev. Dr. Bil Holton

Known for his "Bil-isms," Rev. Bil is an ordained Unity minister and author of many books including the New Metaphysical Interpretation of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John, and Revelation.


Rev. Dr. Cher Holton

A dynamic facilitator known for her practical application of spirituality, Rev. Cher is an ordained Unity minister, and author of many books including Living at the Speed of Life. 

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Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck

Known as the "Master of Metaphysics," Rev. Paul is an ordained Unity minister, former Dean of Spiritual Education & Enrichment for Unity Institute, and author of many books, including Use the Truth You Know: Unity's Principles & Premises. 

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Rev. Ron Fritts

After traveling the country in an RV, Rev. Ron and his wife have settled in Florida. As an ordained Unity minister, Rev. Ron is known for his creative approaches to presenting the Truth he knows -- and he can be found at baseball games, golf courses, and cruising!

In authentic celebration, people are willing to step out of their daily routine, drop their outer masks, and be fully present in the occasion: being a part (we) and also being apart (me). In the experience of we is the collective sense of family, inclusiveness, communion, belonging, connection, solidarity, a common purpose, vision, and values. We cannot be complete as individuals unless we are deeply involved in community.” (excerpt from Corporate Celebration)


Join this amazing group of people who:

  • share your quest for spiritual enrichment;
  • eagerly embrace the opportunity to question beliefs and spiritual principles without guilt, fear, or judgment;
  • delight in combining science and spirituality;
  • know how to have fun in meaningful ways;
  • have the audacity to explode current beliefs in order to continue growing and living as the Extraordinary Divine Beings we are!

Always something different!

The content of our retreats is always unique, different, and deeply enriching! We co-create the content as a group, using a "Think Tank" style of interaction and sharing. The retreat includes interactive participation, deep-dive discussions, enriching experiences, supporting Ted Talks and other media to stimulate ideas and exploration, meaningful ritual, networking, and fun!

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Registration Information

Our goal is to keep the cost of the retreat as reasonable as we possibly can! All events will be held in the private setting of the home of Revs. Bil & Cher Holton: 1405 Autumn Ridge Drive, Durham, NC 27712

Your registration includes:

  • all retreat-sponsored activities;
  • all retreat materials;
  • the following meals/food: Light snacks on Friday evening; lunch on Saturday and Sunday; dessert and coffee/tea on Saturday evening. Munchies and non-alcoholic drinks are available throughout the retreat. [Dinner on Saturday is on your own; however, we offer the opportunity to join the facilitators and go somewhere as a group to have networking and fun time together, for those who want to do so on a dutch-treat basis. There will be an optional dessert and coffee/tea at the Holton home on Saturday evening after dinner.]

Registration cost:

Early Bird Registration (through June 30).........$395 (No special code needed)

Regular Registration (after June 30).................................$495

Note: If you are a member of Paul's Inner Circle or one of the Holton's Mentoring programs, you are eligible for a special "Member's Discount." Contact Paul or the Holtons to receive your special code (or for information on how to join these special groups, which will allow you to take advantage of the discount.)


You may choose to pay for this retreat in a variety of ways: Credit Card; PayPal; Check (made out to UCFYP, with "2023 Retreat" on the memo line; or directly from your bank account, using Zelle with the email 

If you are paying via Zelle, simply check the box by "check" when you complete the Registration Form. That will allow you to continue with your registration without charging you. Then you can handle the Zelle payment through your bank (sending your payment to

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation requests made in writing through May 30 will be subject to a $50 administrative fee; remainder of registration fee paid will be refunded. Cancellation requests made in writing between June 1-July 31 will be refunded 50% of the registration fee paid. There are no refunds for cancellations after JULY 31; however, you may gift your registration to another person.

To register for this one-of-a-kind retreat, click on this Registration Link It will take you directly to the Registration Landing Page, where you will click on the "Register Now" button.

Travel and Lodging are on your own — Click here to see hotels near the retreat site(You can sort by number of stars, guest ratings, amenities, etc.)

What Others Say


This may be personal but in my case... you opened me up--- to be free and safe. To be vulnerable, to take chances with my thinking --- I think most were feeling this phenomena...


I liked that the facilitators were not stuck to a rigid schedule. You folks went with the flow of the group and that showed the experience and the maturity of the facilitators.


This year, more time was spent on developing a deeper consciousness of our own Divinity. The shift in my thinking and my walk through my waking day is still palpable, and rich with peace and calmness. Very different than the high anxiety level I was dealing with through last year.

Retreat Agenda

(Scroll down for daily schedule) 

Potential Topics for the Kitchen Table!

The Breakthrough Difference that Makes This Retreat Value-Driven:

In addition to the amazing facilitators (shameless promotion!!), the most powerful thing about this retreat is that YOU get to help create the content and participate in the process! 

Your facilitators have created a list of potential "Unquestioned Answers" that pique their interest, which are listed here. But we are asking you to tell us what YOUR "Unquestioned Answers" are, that you'd like to bring to the group discussion.

(Unquestioned Answers are those beliefs we've held for so long we think they are Absolute, but they really need to be questioned as we grow in our understanding and deepen our spirituality. So what's been on your mind? As we get closer to the date, we will review all the topic submissions and create a specific agenda! (Caveat: You have to be registered to submit your topics!)

Here are a few of the "Unquestioned Answers" from your facilitators and a few of the retreat registrants who have already submitted topics:

  • Prosperity Principles: Exploding myths and replacing them with Truths to ensure uninterrupted prosperity: myths and misunderstandings about teachings such as the Law of Attraction; Manifestation; the Law of Giving and Receiving; the Tithing/10-Fold Return Principle; You Can't Outgive God; Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow ...
  • Beliefs & Concepts about God:  i.e., I Am God; God is Testing Me; Everything is God; Acts of God; God's Will; Divine Order;  ...
  • Questioning Consciousness & Mind:  i.e., Does the Universe and Observer Exist as a Pair; Can Consciousness Exist Without Matter; What and where is Mind; God is Revealed to Us Not Through Belief, but Through Spiritual Practices;  ...
  • Psychic Phenomena and MetaSpirituality: Do these experiences exist or are they all in our head; how can I develop these skills; how to interpret them; ...
  • Meditation, Prayer, Other Spiritual Practices: Are they really all they're cracked up to be? What are new techniques to spice up our spiritual practices? Why aren't they working for me? ...

Sound Interesting? This is just a starting list of potential topics! Once you register, you get to add your ideas to the mix! The retreat will include deep-dive discussions, inspiring interactive events, self-exploration, and opportunities for incredible spiritual growth! Fasten your seatbelts! It's going to be an amazing ride!

Friday, September 8

6:00 - 7:00

  • Registration/Check in at the venue (the Holton's Home!) 1405 Autumn Ridge Drive, Durham, NC 27712
  • Light Snacks and Getting Acquainted

7:00 - 9:00

  • Retreat Opening Session: Setting the Kitchen Table; Creating our Menu; 
  • Creating Connections; Exploring; Tweaking; and Starting the Dive
  • Experiential Spiritual Practice

Saturday, September 9

8:30 - 9:00

  • Coffee/Tea/Light Munchies
  • Waking Up with Music and Fun

9:00 - 12:00

  • Morning Session -- Deep Dive and Experiential Activities
  • Topics and activities to be decided ... you get some input! We will be prepared with content to stimulate discussion, models, activities, TedTalks or YouTubes -- Stay tuned!
  • BONUS throughout the day: 4 Facilitator Roundtable Opportunities: We will have 4 separate areas where each facilitator will create a circle with a small group for a more personal, question-driven expertise discussion. These will be repeated 4 times, so you have an opportunity to participate in a unique small group, intensive session with each facilitator.

12:00 - 1:00

  • Catered Box Lunch (included in Registration Fee)
  • Group Networking

1:00 - 5:00-ish

  • Afternoon Session -- Continuing the Questioning! Be prepared  for dynamic discussion, interactive experiences, and mind-expanding 'a-ha's'
  • Topics and activities to be decided ... you get some input! We will be prepared with content to stimulate discussion, models, activities, TedTalks or YouTubes -- Stay tuned!
  • Special Bonus Opportunity--By Request: Drumming Healing Activity with Jeffrey and Sallie.

5:30 - 7:00

  • Dinner on your own (or with the group as a Dutch-Treat dinner together for those who want to join in! Those going will choose the place!)

7:00 - 8:30-ish

  • Optional Fun Gathering: Dessert and Coffee/Tea provided
  • An opportunity to gather together informally to share ideas, have fun, and network together

Sunday, September 10

8:30 - 9:00

  • Coffee/Tea/Light Munchies
  • Waking Up with Music and Fun

9:00 - 12:00

  • Kitchen Table Clean-Up! Sharing, Synthesizing, and Completing
  • A Powerful and Spiritually Enlightening Group Closure Experience
  • Capturing our Take-Aways; Closing Ceremony

12:00 - 1:00-ish

  • Catered Lunch (included in Registration Fee)
  • Official Retreat Ends with lots of new or deepened friendships, and incredible spiritual adventures ahead!

Click the button below to register for this one-of-a-kind, amazing, enriching Weekend Spiritual Retreat!

If you only do one thing for yourself this year, make it this!

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