
Guest-to-Member Journey Map

An exceptional church growth strategy every Minister and Board Needs to Experience!

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One of the chief reasons why most spiritual communities don’t grow is that they don’t see themselves the way their guests and members see them!

That may sound simplistic; however, church growth research unquestionably bears that out. Thesimple truth is that there’s a church growth process which specifically addresses this concern andguarantees sustained church growth. It’s called the Guest-to-Member Journey Mapping Process! Ministers and Boards need to understand and use this unique and innovative process!

Why Did We Create The Guest-to-Member Journey Map Program?

Imagine the “journey” a person takes from the moment they discover you, to trying you out, to becoming more involved in your spiritual community,to becoming an engaged and active member. The journey may even extend beyond, when they leave the area and stay loyal and supportive to you. But what are they experiencing at every touchpoint along the journey—and how is it influencing their decisions to return, get involved, and donate to your success and growth? We’ve created a Guest-to-Memberprocess to help you intentionally and creatively orchestrate the experience your guests have, to transform them into enthusiastic, participating members—as well as move your members from silent observers to active volunteers and supporters.

The rising importance of our Guest-to-Member Journey Mapping for church communities is an outgrowth of the customer journey mapping in business and industry— and as Unity ministers with a corporate background, we’re quite familiar with the journey mapping process,and immediately recognized its value to church growth. Our love for helping Unity Churches and Centers grow is the impetus for our having developed an extraordinary Guest-to-Member Journey Mapping process especially designed for spiritual communities.

What Happens During The Guest-to-Member Journey Map Program?

A Guest-to-Member Journey Map Program is a team experience for your Board and leadership,introducing an overview of every experience members and guests have with your spiritual community. It tells the story of guests’ and members’ overall experience with your Center, from their initial discovery of who and what you are, to their continuing experience with you rcommunity, to their long term relationship with you … with an emphasis on how you want people to FEEL at each of these touchpoints, then identifying specific actions that will make that happen.

As a result of this exciting, power-packed Full-Day Retreat, your leaders will be able to:

  • Understand and effectively use the Guest-to-MemberJourney Map as an on-going tool to ensure church growth;
  • Identify and evaluate Milestones and Touchpoints, creating powerful action plans for positive change, using our 14 Key Actions Worksheet and 36 Super Growth Strategies;
  • Reframe the experiences of guests and members, to ensure relevancy, value, and growth;
  • Engage people at every touchpoint along the journey, to maximize the emotional commitment of guests and members.

There’s a ton of research out there on why the Journey Mapping process is an excellent tool forgetting noticed, building enduring community relationships, and maximizing the guest-to-memberjourney. It’s a church growth strategy that’ll not only ensure your sustained growth, but your long term thriveability! We guarantee it because we’ve seen it work again and again in church communities. We’ll work with your Board and service leaders (through a virtual program via Zoom or on site) and then offer our continued support via email, text, Zoom, and phone calls. We’d also be delighted to deliver the Sunday Truth talk and a Sunday afternoon Spiritual Café during the same Journey Mapping weekend.

Revs. Bil & Cher’s Enriching Retreats and Workshops are always:

Practical! Growth Oriented!

Interactive! Fun!

Contact us for more details and to schedule us to bring this exciting program to your spiritual community!

If you wish, you can schedule a Zoom meeting with us to discuss more about this program, by clicking here and choosing a time that works for you!