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Please be aware we are switching hosting companies, and this is only a temporary error. If you have an immediate need, please contact Cher Holton by clicking here and leaving me a message. We expect to be back online as HoltonConsulting.com by the end of the day!

Apologies for the inconvenience! 

GCSA Round Logo

We've Made Some Changes!!

Our incredible Spiritual Community is now called The Global Center for Spiritual Awakening Community! You can discover our new website by clicking here: UCFYPcommunity.org/

Read about our decision to make the switch by scrolling to the bottom of the page on our new website.

We hope you'll join us! 

 Welcome Home!

Unity Center for YOUniversal Prosperity!

An events-driven MetaSpiritual community where people feel loved, safe, and respected so they can master the art of living in "skin school" by walking the spiritual path on practical, positive, and prosperous feet!

Tired of same-old same-old religious stuff that doesn't work? Check out our online

Global Center for Spiritual Awakening's

Higher Consciousness Spiritual Academy!

Discover a deep-diving spiritual community! 

Registration is free ... Courses, Challenges, recordings of our Spiritual Cafés and Pop-Ups!

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Welcome to a whole new way to create spiritual community!

We bring together our local and global communities of people who consider themselves more spiritual than religious, and invite expanded awareness and understanding of Truth Principles through our Spiritual Café gatherings, Internet discussion groups, workshops and webinars, retreats, healing groups, meditations, spiritual practices, affirmative prayer, and more!

What Will You Experience Here?


Spiritual Cafés - Zoom

We join together in a Think Tank format to expand our spiritual enrichment. Our topics combine science and spirituality, as well as lifestyle spiritual practices -- and even metaphorical interpretations of scripture.


Spiritual Community

We encourage group activities that allow us to come together for fun, support, growth, and relaxation. Through Zoom, in-person, and virtual events, we look for ways to build connections together! Always different - always fun!

Zoom Retreat-2020-group screen shot

Workshops & Master Classes 

Opportunities to learn about Unity Truth Principles, and Master Classes that explore science and spirituality, advanced spiritual practices, and more.


Meditation & Healing Teams

Experience a variety of meditation styles and healing modalities by participating in our special focus teams.


Spiritual Enrichment Retreats

We call them "Retreat Forwards" -- RETREAT from the stress and commitments of the world so you can leap FORWARD with renewed energy, wisdom, and understanding!


Resources, Coaching, Mentoring

Lots of resources, articles, books, coaching opportunities, readings, and more to help you master the art of living as you walk the spiritual path on practical, positive, prosperous feet!

What is MetaSpirituality?

MetaSpirituality is a word we created to describe our belief system. MetaSpirituality is the marriage between:

  • Faith-based spirituality;
  • Evidence-based science;
  • Metaphor-based Metaphysics; and
  • Experience-based Psionics

People who grow the most are the ones who take the initiative to expand their spiritual horizons. They are always questioning, challenging, experiencing, putting themselves in situations where they hear new ideas and beliefs. And why do they do this? Because it's not so much the unanswered questions that limit our spiritual growth; it's the unquestioned answers.”

(Rev. Bil and Rev. Cher Holton)


Expanding your spiritual community around the globe

Using today's amazing technology resources, we are no longer limited to a specific geographic region. Our ministry reaches out to everyone who considers themselves more spiritual than religious, and are willing to stretch their thinking, blend together science and spirituality, question unquestioned answers, and continue to grow in spiritual understanding and awareness.


What is YOUniversal prosperity?

YOUniversal Prosperity is the basis of our entire ministry!

We believe you achieve YOUniversal Prosperity when you align your Human Nature, your Quantum Nature, and your Divine Nature. You do this by understanding and incorporating Truth Principles and Spiritual Practices into your life., maximizing four powerful life-affirming benefits:

  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Inner Peace
  • Financial Freedom

Combining the Truth Principles, Spiritual Practices, Scientific Research, and Practical Application helps you master the art of living in "skin school" (that's here on earth!) as you achieve a "Soul Signature" that identifies the higher consciousness vibration of your YOUniversal Self which will express itself in whatever dimension of being you find yourself. You will enjoy the privilege of being your Authentic Self -- the Extraordinary You, as you walk the spiritual path on practical feet!

What Our Community Is Saying About Us


Bil and Cher Holton have been the portals for a view of life, knowing that there is no box !It’s okay to question  widely accepted dogma , to deepen my spirituality in a way that allows for my continued emerging and evolving on my earthly adventure. Their combined  brilliance and creativity boldly take me where I dare not go alone. 

Yemaja Jubilee

Saxe, VA 

 / Author, Inspirational Speaker, Radio/TV personality, Life Coach and Creative Consultant


Revs. Drs. Bil and Cher Holton's ministry is a very special part of my life. They provide insight for me on a continual basis. They both have warm compassionate hearts and are honest and authentic. Thank you Bil and Cher for mentoring me. I am eternally grateful.

Rev. Violet Schonhardt

Durham, NC



Bil and Cher Holton are spiritual teachers of distinction because they go further than what is expected in personal spiritual development today. Their practical action plans and 30-day challenges lead one to merge with universal wisdom. The fusion of their corporate talents with the content and the wisdom of the ancient sages is unlike anything that exists today in Metaphysical education. Through them, you will discover your YOU-niversal Self.

L. Roi Boyd, III 

Richmond, VA

/ FTheatre Professor-Director


 I admire Bil & Cher's progressive thoughts on evidence-based science and faith-based spirituality. The Holton’s MetaSpiritual perspective on higher consciousness concepts helped me to see “outside the box” (Advanced Metaphysics) and appreciate my True Nature as Me. Their website has many ways/paths to seek your Divine Essence. We are spiritual beings living a human experience – Bil and Cher can and will help you in your exploration of your True Self and beyond.

Richard Guyer

Thousand Oaks, CA

 / Retired Fire Chief


I first met Bil and Cher in 2006. After just one meeting, I knew I had found a Spiritual path worth walking. They never fail to challenge me with unquestioned answers. They have expanded my thinking and raised my level of consciousness exponentially.  It has been an extraordinary journey! 

Rev. Renée Piere

Durham, NC

/ Empath and Certified  Akashic Records Practitioner


Bil and Cher have helped me turn my life around. They have shown me different perspectives on my belief systems which have resonated with me in such a powerful way that it has freed me up. Their mentorship has helped me to now “allow” love, joy, happiness and prosperity to flow in my life.

Mark Halbert

Nottingham, United Kingdom

/ Spiritual Lifestyle Coach, Reiki Healer, Grief Counselor

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5-Day Meditation Challenge

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Amazing Version of Imagine by Pentatonix

Imagine sung by the amazing Pentatonix acapella group. Incredible rendition with a beautiful and powerful interpretation.

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10 Questions to Measure Your Spiritual Authentegrity

Click here to download your printable copy! 10 Questions to Measure Your Spiritual Authentegrity As you begin to focus on enhancing your Read More

Adam and Eve — From a MetaSpiritual Perspective

A history of the Adam and Eve archetypical story, and a MetaSpiritual interpretation that goes much deeper than the Genesis account. Find hidden meanings for Adam, Eve, the serpent, the “forbidden fruit,” the tree, and more.

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7 Tips to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract Money

Yep — we’re tackling that topic no one wants to talk about: Money and the Law of Attraction! You’ve heard about the Read More

Affirmation Sandwiches

Make your affirmations more powerful with this unique technique!

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1405 Autumn Ridge Drive

Durham, NC 27712


(919) 530-9417

Contact Us! We love to hear from our Spiritual Community!