Over 300 Sunday Talk Titles to Inspire Your Creativity

Ideas-Sermon-TitlesAnyone who has ever had to come up with a fresh new talk every Sunday, for essentially the same audience, can appreciate the stress and creativity drain this can place on a minister! So here’s a little help! We’ve come up with over 300 creative titles that can stimulate your creativity, and get your juices flowing!

Add your own ideas in the comments! And if you create a really great talk you’d like to share on this site, just let us know!

Are you ready? Here goes!! Over 300 Talk Titles to Inspire Your Creativity!

Tune Into the Inner Net

Defriend Dogma

Prayer, Meditation and Affirmations Are Group Therapy

No Sugar Added

Close Your Eyes To See Clearly

Our Rainbow Body

The Eternal Frame

Soul Full

The Power of Wow

Om Shanti

Our Spiritual URL

The Thunder of Silence

The Field


The 5th Principle

An Inconvenient Truth

Skin School

Pillar of Saw It

Spiritual Oxygen

The Contemplative Journey

Perpendicular Enlightenment

Cell-ebrate Your Health

Divine Substance

The Sacred Path or the Scared Path

Don’t Miss Mysticism

Humankind’s Eternal Quest

Spiritual Hydration

The Tao

Only Begotten Son or Only Forgotten Son

Spam Error Thoughts

Unio Mystica

Intention Deficit Disorder

Don’t Pray TO God

Intention Span

The Speed of Consciousness

Spiritual Cataracts

Lull of Attraction

Prayerful Wizdom

Cross Training For Open-Minded Truth Seekers

Sermon on the Amount

First Coming, Second Coming and the 71/2 Billionth Coming

5 Bulletproof Teachings

There’s An App For That

Kundalini Rising

The Neuroscience of Enlightenment



Jacob’s Ladder: A Metaphysical Interpretation

The Path of Dharma

False Profits

Heir Power

Immaculate Reception

Dream On

Christ-i-am (We’re Almost Christian!)

Mainstream Manna

The Unparalleled You

Trivial Pursuits

Your Super Self

The God of Your Understanding

The Halo Effect

Prosperity Shaping

Automatic Righting

Feng Shui Your Thinking

The Third Eye

Ouijing Around

Baggage Claim

Boot Camp


Taking A Gnostic Turn

Spiritual Valium

Bumper Sticker Theology

Divine Order

From Left Turns to Right Turns

Turtle Theology

Cellular Consciousness

Lint-Free Living

Prosperity Check Up

Six Degrees of Separation

Telepathic Teachings

Spamming Error

You Are the Rainbow


Turn Resolutions Into Revolutions

If You Snooze You Lose

Let Your Light Shine

The Tickling of the Ant

A Thief in the Night

The Sevenfold Path

Mind Auction or Mind Action

The World Tree

From Trash Talk to Truth Walk

The Business of Isness

Go With the Flow

Tikkun Olam

Your Significant Other

Superman Christ

Bumped Up Theology

Christ Mind

Tail Wags the Dog

Thanks in All Things


How to HUM: Om Mani Padme Hum

The Da Vinci Code Decoded

The Fifth Principle

A Good Rap

The Silver Cord


Work Things Together For Good

Why Did This Happen to Me? (Why we never ask this when it’s something good!)

Missing the Mark

Seismic Joy

Original Blessing

Alphabet Soup

Poor Choice Paparazzi

Know Pain, Know Gain

What Happens In Vagueness Stays In Vagueness

The Mystery of My Story

Seven Deadly Sends

Passport-Free Living

The New Jerusalem

Secular Surfing

Paradise Regained

From Error to Eros

A Faith Fix

Let It Go

Password Protected

Universal Substance

Less Is More

Wisdom Worx

Search Engine Optimization


Science Fiction

Isms and Ologies

Placebo Power

Love Triangle

The Future Is Now

Trick or Treat

Get Your Head Out of Your Apps

The Pause That Refreshes

Spiritual Tweets


Higher Thought Texting

Shoot From the Lip

The Wizard of Us

Being Zenful

Mental Kudzu

The Ultimate Pedicure


Phoenix Rising


Yoga Is No Yoke


Sacred Cows Make Great Burgers

The Secret Is Out


The Yellow Brick Road

Walking the Sacred Path

Mind Over Molecules

Strip Mining Your Spirituality

Traveler’s Alert

Safety Nets

Pier Pressure

Going Within Is a Staycation


There’s An App For That

Gospel Gossip

Cosmic Christ

The Now Moment

A Metaphysical Nativity

Roto-Rooter Error Out of Your Consciousness

Red Flags or White Flags

The Curvature of Dogma

Metaphysical Rolphing

Leak-Proof Faith

Silent Knight

Sermon on the Rocks

Global Cry Cysts


Cellular Theology

Centrifugal Farce

Whirled Peace


Duel Citizenship

Classical Conditioning

Hijacking Your Spiritual Growth


Cyber Hugs


Dazzling Detox

‘I’ Infections

‘No’ Your Ego and ‘Know’ Your Divine Nature

Fast Food on the Mount

Mental Firewalls

Food Court

Keystone Practices


Game Changer

Garbage In, Garbage Out


The Key to Qi

Plumb Lines

Give ‘Till It Hertz


Jurassic Thinking


Goldilocks Zone

Pyramid Power

Repotting Yourself

Harmonic Convergence

Holy Grailness

Jumping the Shark

Hunker Down

Practicing the Presence

I-Catching Moment

Inculpatory Evidence

Leaning In

Internal Lotus of Control

Iota Management

Sacred Playbooks

Judgment Day Is Everyday

Junk Food


Lots of Knots

Know Thy Self

A Crown Chakra Moment



Go Fast to Go Slow

Where Does Your Lap Go When You Stand?

Laughing Stock


The Plumb Line of Enlightenment


Sacred Language

The Widow’s Son

License to Still

Matryoshka Rising

Vocal Acupuncture

Medicine Bag

The Wirklichkeitic Perspective

Safe Houses

Wait Lifting

The Ping Pong Effect


Retweet Forward


Guru Worship

Via Positiva

A White Stone and a New Name

Wisdom Teeth


Money Matters

Your Divine Genealogy

Scratching Your Yakootic Itches

Zikric Devotion

Your Soul Résumé

The Intuitive Way

Getting Sikh Is Good

Your Atma Is Showing


A Moksha Moment

The Muraqaba Choice

Negotiating Nirvana

Keep Your Qi Centered

Your True Self


Mastering the Art of Living

The Rarified Air of Truth Principles

Mind, Manna and Matter

More Spiritual Than Religious

Mental Shiatsu

The Mystic Marriage

Have a Neocortex Day

Strrrrrretch Yourself

Be One With the One

The Oneness Quotient

Avoiding Pixelation

The Idyllic Life

Random Acts of Kindness

A Dose of Reality

Spiritual Inoculations

You’ll See It When You Believe It

The Cosmic Diving Board

Your Capital ‘S’ Self

The World of Positivity

The Rest of the Story

Reincarnation Isn’t Buying a Car Every Three Years

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

A Portable Sabbath

Take 365 Vacations


Thought Transfusions

Unshelve Your Potential

The Science of Spirituality

High-Calorie Thoughts

Your Atomic Self

Healing Is Wholing

It’s In Your Spiritual DNA

Soul Surgery

Spiritual Anthropology

I’m Having a Sufi Moment

The God Particle

The Still Small Voice

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