Category-MetaSpiritual Interp


Resources for MetaSpiritual Interpretation

For us, a MetaSpiritual Interpretation of ANYTHING means seeing people, animals, places, things, and events as human and spiritual qualities, talents, and abilities – as well as faults – within us MetaSpiritual Interpretation can be used with Biblical stories and other sacred texts, but is also very powerful for interpreting movies, dreams, books and everyday events. It moves beyond their literal interpretation to a more allegorical, esoteric, and metaphorical perspectives to uncover the hidden wisdom and spiritual teachings contained within. 

For example:

  • House (big, small, brick, shingle, etc.) is interpreted metaphysically as symbolizing our consciousness.
  • Feet generally represent intellectual understanding.
  • cornhusk represents the human personality.
  • Children symbolize divine ideas.
  • Darkness represents the unawareness of our divine nature.
  • Nations symbolize major belief systems.
  • Parents generally mean foundational thoughts.

We hope you will find these translations meaningful, stimulating, and enlightening. And we are always adding more, so come back often!