How to Metaphysically Interpret Bible Scripture

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How to MetaSpiritually Interpret Bible Scripture

We have great reverence and respect for the Bible as a spiritual work. As the story of humankind’s evolving spiritual consciousness, it deserves to be studied with an open mind and willing heart. The Bible takes us from the creation story to Adam to Jesus and from unenlightened human to enlightened spiritual being. Viewed this way, the Bible is an epic quest. It is truly a thoughtful account of the evolution of our evolving Christ Consciousness.

It is a journey we all must take, and the Scriptures tell us how to do it. It is an inner journey, a journey which demands that we go beyond the literal to the metaphysical, the allegorical, the metaphorical, if we are to understand its deeper wisdom and relevance to us today.

The difficulties, contradictions, and discrepancies which have proven so perplexing to tens of millions of people who have only read and studied literal translations of the Bible are dissolved from a MetaSpiritual perspective.

For those willing to look past its literal meaning, the Bible is rich in timeless, hidden wisdom. The universality of a MetaSpiritual interpretation takes the Bible beyond a mere churchianity perspective. It moves it past the exclusiveness of religion to the inclusiveness of spirituality.

Care has, however, been taken neither to over stress its esoteric or metaphorical significance, nor to read into a passage more than is inherent within its intended purpose. Our hope is that you will be deepened by the connection between the literal translations and their MetaSpiritual counterparts. Our sense is, if you give yourself permission, you will feel the tug of Spirit as you open your mind and heart to the hidden truths contained in this familiar scriptural passage.

Here’s How to MetaSpiritually Interpret Any Scripture Passage

Phase I: Prepare Yourself.

Center yourself in your awareness of your Oneness, knowing you are Divinely guiding the process of interpretation.

Phase II: Get to Know the Bible Passage.

  • Read the passage several times.
  • Look at the timeline context of the passage (What happened before it? What comes next?)
  • If you have the resources, look at the cultural context of the passage (What were the customs of the time? How did they live? Who are the people involved? Look for idioms and Aramaic definitions.)
  • Be aware of what feelings and emotions a literal translation evokes within you.
  • Consult esoteric literature if you have access, to deepen your understanding of the literal interpretation (Theosophical, Anthroposophical, Rosicrucian, Jainian, Kabbalah, Midrash, etc.).

Phase III: Select and Interpret Key Concepts.

  • Read through the scripture passage again, and identify key words, places, people, and things within the passage.
  • Interpret them MetaSpiritually. You can use resources such as The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, The Revealing Word, Spiritually Speaking, Dream Interpretation Glossaries, Color Analysis, and your own intuitive creativity.
  • Ask yourself what each of the key words, places, people, and things represent WITHIN YOU.

Phase IV: Create a MetaSpiritual Rendering of the passage.

  • Using the spiritual/MetaSpiritual interpretations you uncovered in Phase III, rewrite the passage, using these new meanings in place of the literal version.

Phase V: Take it deeper.

  • Continue reflecting on the meaning of the passage and how it impacts you/your spiritual enrichment.
  • Be sure you are taking it within yourself.
  • Create an action plan of how you can use what you have interpreted for your spiritual enrichment in your daily life.

Here’s a Sample (Note: This is just a small sample of what you could do with this parable. Use it to get you started, then expand on it by adding other words to the list to interpret, or by going deeper in terms of its meaning for you.)

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

After completing Phases I-II:

Key Words and Their Interpretations (Phase III):

Younger son: Our underdeveloped awareness of our spiritual nature.

Inheritance: Our manifested good which is always present and available.

Father: The “I AM” presence within us.

Far country: Our material consciousness.

“comes to himself:” We awaken to the Truth of who we are.

Father sees him: Our Oneness with our Higher Self. our enlightened Self.

Older son: Our moralistic and judgmental poverty consciousness.

Implications as it relates to our own Spiritual evolvement:

Our ego gets in the way of our enlightenment. We learn Truth but we forget about our connection with Spirit. We have access to our Divine inheritance all the time. All we need to do is ask. This is the Source of our Good.

We get caught up in all the accumulation of “stuff” and forget our Oneness. We feel a sense of separation. We realize our connection to Spirit and return to our I AM Presence. There is no separation.

We lose sight of our abundance because we block our good with doubts, fears, lack consciousness, jealousy, etc. Our inheritance is always there, but we don’t ask. We feel unworthy.

We need to remember the Truth of who we are! We can always “come home” by aligning our human self with our Higher Self.

(We invite you to add your own thoughts, and continue by interpreting what the Older Son represents within you, what the Younger Son represents within you, and what the Father represents within you. Remember, there are no “right” answers! The interpretations may differ for different people.)

Issues for deeper discussion

  • How am I losing sight of the abundance that is mine right now?
  • What fears or emotions are creating a feeling of unworthiness?
  • How am I expressing a sense of separation?
  • What does it mean to me to “come to myself?”
  • How can I use this interpretation in my daily life to experience greater spiritual enrichment?

© Bil & Cher Holton
Photo Credit: © shutterstock w/ permission

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