Prayer for Paris

Affirmative Prayer for Paris, and all affected

Paris-PeaceImage-Jean-JullienOur hearts are joined together in lifting all the beautiful people of Paris in love, light, and comfort in the midst of the recent tragic events. Together in prayer, we send our Divine energies to soothe the pain and shock that comes from such a devastating experience.

For those who have lost friends and loved ones, we affirm there is no geography in Spirit, and we claim in Faith that those whose lives were taken are already encompassed in the loving energy of Spirit, moving on to new and wonderful spiritual adventures. In our human experience, we will miss their physical beings, but we also know that we are One, and will always be connected.

We surround every person, every living creature, and the beautiful environments which are affected with Divine Light, bringing  guidance, security, and direction;

We send the energy of Divine Love bringing comfort, inner peace, and calm; 

We send the power of Divine Wisdom and Understanding for those making decisions about the next steps that will be taken in response to this event;

We send the power of Divine Life bringing harmony, forgiveness, healing, and renewal — holding the affirmation that those who take part in planning and carrying out these types of events have Divine Insight and an understanding that there are better, more powerful and peaceful ways to achieve their goals;

We affirm that the Divine Power as God expressing in each and every person is now working to restore order and rebuild the lives and communities impacted by this event.

For each and every one: You are sustained in body, mind, and spirit by the ever-renewing presence of God in, as, and through you … and you are surrounded by the energies of our Divine Love. We give thanks for you and claim your wholeness and peace. And so it is.

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Photo credit: Jean Jullien (read the interview with this French Artist)

Download your copy of our Prayer for Paris to use in your spiritual practice.