I, _________________________, recognizing the important responsibility I am undertaking in serving as a member of the Board of Trustees, hereby pledge to carry out in a faithful, trustworthy, and diligent manner the duties and obligations in my role as a Board member. I understand that our By-Laws outline the overall policies of this ministry and that this pledge outlines my personal commitment as a Board member concerning how we govern the ministry.
I acknowledge that my primary roles as a Trustee are as follows:
- To hold sacred the spiritual trust of the congregation of this ministry;
- To contribute to defining, implementing, and cultivating our strategic objectives, vision and mission by helping to govern the fulfillment of both;
- To carry out the functions of the office of Trustee and/or Trustee Officer as stated in the By-Laws and policies;
- To hold sacred my own prayer life and spiritual growth, so that I may set a Christ-centered example for others.
I will enthusiastically exercise the duties and responsibilities of this office with prayer, integrity, and care. My commitment is as follows:
- To establish as a high priority my attendance at all Board meetings and committees on which I serve;
- To be prepared to discuss the issues and business addressed at scheduled meetings;
- To work with and respect the opinions of my peers who serve on this Board and to leave negative personal biases out of all Board discussions;
- To hold in confidence all matters deemed confidential by the Board;
- To represent this ministry in a positively supportive manner at all times and in all places;
- To display Christ-centered conduct in all Board and committee meetings;
- To refrain from intruding on administrative issues that are the responsibility of the Operations Team, except to monitor results and methods that conflict with Board policy;
- To support in a positive manner all actions taken by the Board of Trustees, even when I am in a minority position on such actions;
- To avoid conflicts of interest between my position as a Trustee and my personal life. (If such a conflict arises, I will declare that conflict before the Board and refrain from voting on those matters.)
10. Attend agreed-upon meetings, and oversee the accomplishment of the meeting objectives. If I chair the Board, a committee, or task force, I will: - Participate in:
- Sunday services and classes, Board and membership meetings, spiritual community socials, and spiritual retreats;
- Board self-evaluation programs;
- Board development workshops, seminars, and other educational events that enhance my skills as a Board member.
As a member of ___________’s Board I will:
- Listen carefully and attentively to the views of fellow Board members;
- Respect the opinions of the Minister(s) and fellow Board members;
- Respect and conscientiously support the majority decisions of the Board;
- Recognize that all authority is vested in the full Board, only when it meets in legal session; Keep well-informed on developments relevant to issues that may come before the Board; Bring to the attention of the Board any issues that I believe may have an adverse effect on the Ministry or those to whom we minister; Refer legitimate complaints to the Board for review; Maintain appropriate confidentiality.
- Recognize that one of my roles is to ensure that the Ministry is well-managed— and not to manage the ministry;
- Represent all those whom this Ministry serves and not a particular interest group; Consider myself a “trustee” of the Ministry and do my best to ensure that it is well-maintained, financially secure, growing, and always operating in the best interests of those we serve; Always strive to perform my responsibilities with integrity.
As a member of ____________’s Board I will not:
- Criticize the opinions and/or decisions of the Minister(s) or my fellow Board members outside of the Boardroom. (While healthy disagreement is welcomed during Board meetings, our differences will not be aired outside our meetings.)
- Use the Ministry for personal advantage (or that of my friends and relatives); use my position to threaten; discuss the confidential proceedings of the Board outside the Boardroom; or promise how I will vote on any issue before the meeting.
- Interfere with the duties of the Minister(s) or undermine the Minister’s authority with Staff members.
Signature of Board Member