Spiritual Practice: Life’s Hidden Picture Game

Life’s Hidden Picture Game — A Spiritual Practice with Stereograms

My-Heart-Stereogram-460x300 copyThis practice is based on our experience with 3-D stereogram pictures — those pictures that look like a simple design, but when you stare at them intently, all of a sudden a 3-D picture pops right out at you! We believe the world of appearance is much like these pictures.

(I created this one (above) … see if you see hearts.)

Whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation — when things appear to be falling apart — when you are going through an emotional melt-down — STOP! In that moment of awareness that you are not in alignment with your highest, most elevated level of Being, go into the Silence and affirm that this is simply the cluttered world of appearance, and within this picture is pure joy, absolute peace, incredible good. Choose to see from enlightened eyes.

Bonus fun: here is a website that contains a huge variety of 3-D stereogram pictures for you to play with! 

And here is a website that allows you build your very own stereogram pictures!

3 thoughts on “Spiritual Practice: Life’s Hidden Picture Game

  1. Love the newsletter. I don’t always remember to check your website, so the newsletter helps me to see what wonderful things you are doing! Thanks so much for the challenges and enlightenment!
    Linda Meadows

    1. Thank you, Linda, for your positive feedback on the newsletter! We are so glad you are part of our Spiritual Tribe, and we look forward to hearing more from you!
      Affirming abundant enrichment and spiritual growth!
      Cher & Bil

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