The Field of Infinite Potential
What is the Field of Infinite Potential and how does it affect my level of understanding? Here’s a description plus an example.
What is the Field of Infinite Potential and how does it affect my level of understanding? Here’s a description plus an example.
What does it mean to be born again? This is a MetaSpiritual interpretation of the story of Nicodemus andJesus, from John 3:1-21.
Diwali marks the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Here is a MetaSpiritual interpretation.
A MetaSpiritual interpretation of the man lowered through the roof to receive healing — what it means to you today, for your health and wellness.
A history of the Adam and Eve archetypical story, and a MetaSpiritual interpretation that goes much deeper than the Genesis account. Find hidden meanings for Adam, Eve, the serpent, the “forbidden fruit,” the tree, and more.
What does it really mean to be “Born Again” — from a meta-Spiritual perspective?
Have some fun putting the Creation Process into action, matching the seven days of creation with the Metaphysical steps, using our special worksheet.
The parable of the Houses Built on Rock and Sand, from a spiritual perspective.