Biases That Influence Our Choices and Our Life

Three Biases That Influence Our Choices ... and Impact Our Happiness, Inner Peace, and Prosperity


Do you think you have freed yourself of all your biases? We like to think so! But here’s a humbling thought: There are hundreds of biases affecting our thinking, our choices, and our actions! On top of that, we need to realize that a large majority of these biases are operating at a subconscious level … until, that is, we choose to explore our thoughts at a much deeper level and unearth the biases that may be driving our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Psychologists, sociologists, and neuropsychologists, who’ve all studied human nature for more years than most of us have even thought about this stuff, tell us that most of our perceptions of reality are filled with assumptions, conjectures, presumptions, and generalizations that influence how we see the world.

Here are three biases we believe are dramatically interfering with your Spiritual Enrichment, your health,, your inner peace, and your prosperity! We invite you to see if you can recall a time when you may have been influenced by each of these biases -- and begin questioning those unquestioned answers!


Authoritarian Bias

We believe people who hold ;positions of authority, power, and status are credible – without checking their credentials or character. We tend to trust what they say simply because of their ‘position power.’

How are you verifying the credibility of the information you are receiving and acting upon?


Confirmation Bias

Here’s a bias we really need to pay attention to, because it can impact every area of our lives! According to the Confirmation Bias, we have a tendency to accept information that supports our current beliefs, while ignoring and/or outright rejecting information that contradicts them. In fact, when we are confronted with data that refutes what we believe, instead of considering it we will tend to dig in our heels and oppose it more strongly than ever!

What information do you easily embrace? How could it be feeding into your confirmation bias? What information do you resist with energy and emotion? How could it be presenting you with an opportunity to question an unquestioned answer?


Herd Mentality Bias

This bias, also known as the Herd Instinct Bias, describes our common tendency to adopt the opinions and copy the collective behaviors of others so we feel safer and included; it also helps us avoid interpersonal conflicts and contrary opinions. Herd behavior occurs when we mindlessly participate in large demonstrations, riots, general strikes, sporting events, religious gatherings, episodes of mob violence, etc. We conform to crowd mentality which is distinguished by a lack of personal decision-making, zero introspection, poor judgment, and failure to question unquestioned answers.

How clearly can you articulate the viewpoints you are fighting for, especially when you are part of a large crowd? Are there any intuitive messages arguing within your awareness, trying to get you to listen to another perspective or a deep yearning you've been afraid to voice?

We believe most of our biases are the result of the Filter Bubbles in which we live. The term “Filter Bubble” originated from the situation where you search the Internet and receive only information and opinions that confirm to and reinforce the beliefs, interests, and past choices you have made, thereby preventing you to see differing points of view. This leads to a confirmation bias supporting your already held beliefs, and distorts the reality of a situation. We believe most of our biases occur from the Filter Bubbles of our past experiences, family and friends, Internet/social media situations, our reading behaviors, and all the other things that keep us blocked from information that forces us to “question unquestioned answers!” Make a conscious practice of assessing the beliefs and biases you hold, and make choices about how to eliminate or reduce their impact.

Check out our White Light Paper: 45 Biases That Influence Our Belief System -- and Have an Impact On Our Happiness and Prosperity.


This White Light Paper includes:

  •  all 45 Biases, described clearly;
  • how biases get started;
  • scientific research describing the impact of biases;
  • a Self-Check activity to critique your own Bias susceptibility;
  • a Spiritual Practice designed to guide you through the process of assessing your biases and bursting the filter bubbles that are creating them.

Available as a PDF format, immediately downloadable!

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