Extraordinary You Candlelight Script

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Extraordinary You Core Abilities Christmas Candlelight Experience


We have received many requests for the script of our Extraordinary You Candlelight Experience. It is based on our Extraordinary You program, which identifies the seven Core Abilities we all have within us that support our ability to become fully enlightened and one with or Divine Nature. As we grow in our understanding of these Core Abilities and learn how to embody them at the highest, most elevated levels, we can master the art of living and walk the spiritual path on practical feet. 

We have individuals light the candles and share the reading. Everyone receives a program which has the affirmations written out, so they can join in the reading of the affirmation. This also provides them with the gift of the affirmations to use as a spiritual practice. Enjoy!

Introducing the Extraordinary You Christmas Experience

It has become our tradition to celebrate the Christmas season through a unique 7 Core Spiritual Abilities Christmas Ceremony. These Core Abilities are expressions of the One Reality, our Divine Nature (the Cosmic Logos), which is born within each of us at our Nativity into the Human Experience.

We can call on any of these Core Abilities to bring forth the Spiritual essence of our innate Divinity … our Extraordinary Divine Nature.

Today, in this now moment, we acknowledge each of these Core Abilities, and proclaim an affirmation for each to guide us in effectively using these abilities to bring out the highest and best in us.

With each Core Ability, one of you will come forward, light the candle designating that Core Spiritual Ability, and share a brief description of what that Core Ability means to our soul growth. Then all of us will read the affirmation, which is printed in your program.

As we share it together, our mutual intentions and collective voices will imprint that Core Ability in our consciousness.

We will begin with the pure white Candle that signifies our Divine Nature.


Lighting of the White Candle

I light the Candle that signifies our collective Divine Natures. This single, lighted white candle that stands before us is our symbol of the Divine Nature, our I Am-ness, our Homo Deus Status shining forth from deep within us, and of which all our Core Spiritual Abilities are expressions.”


Lighting of the Extraordinary You Core Abilities Candles

Red-AuthentegrityCandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of Authentegrity..

I light the red candle in honor of the spiritual Core Ability of Authentegrity. Authentegrity combines being authentic with modeling integrity, and it means we know and live the Truth of who we are. We walk our talk and talk our walk even when we take the road less traveled. We will not “fake it until we make it;” instead, we “faith it until we make it!” We choose to never major in minor things. We stay focused on what’s important and do not spend time focused on trivialities and nonessentials. We are disciplined and purpose-driven. Our commitment to be authentic gives other people permission to live authentically too. Our choices are grounded in our values, and we consciously align our human nature with our Divine Nature in everything we do and say.

This candle represents the gift of Authentegrity we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature — we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form.

Please repeat this Authentegrity affirmation with me. Together . . .

I claim my Authentegrity now. Today, I refuse to allow doubt or fear to have a space in my consciousness. I stand firmly in my authentegrity, keeping my priorities in line with my spiritual beliefs and values. I have the confidence to stand in my Truth, and be me in everything I do.


Yellow-WisdomCandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of Intuitive Wisdom.

I light the yellow candle in honor of the Spiritual Ability of Intuitive Wisdom. By strengthening our Intuitive Wisdom, we are able to trust our intuition and perceptions. We understand that personal reflection, contemplative moments, and deep introspection are important life qualities. Intuitively wise people are intimately acquainted with themselves. We see intuitive wisdom as bridging the cognitive gap between instinct and rational thinking. And we know the importance with leading with both our head and our heart to master the art of living.

This candle represents the gift of Intuitive Wisdom we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature – we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form.


Please repeat this Intuitive Wisdom affirmation with me. Together…

I claim my Intuitive Wisdom now. Today, I make time to go into the Silence and call on my highest levels of perception and understanding. I know that I know that I know—and with this Intuitive Wisdom I can master the art of living in skin school.


Brown-InnerStrengthCandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of Inner Strength.

I light the russet candle in honor of the Spiritual Ability of Inner Strength. Our extraordinary inner strength allows us to be resilient and able to persevere, regardless of the difficulties or challenges we face. We are highly attuned to the ever-changing circumstances in which we find ourselves. We are emotionally nimble. With our Inner Strength, we build thanksliving into everyday, and focus on the things we can control. Even when we step outside of our comfort zone, we know we have the resources to ensure our success. Understanding that the best things in life are worth whatever effort it takes to achieve, we continue to stay in touch with our Inner Strength, and exercise mental toughness, grit, persistence, and patience, as we draw on our inner resources to stay the course and achieve success.

This candle represents the gift of Inner Strength we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature – we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form.

Please repeat this Inner Strength affirmation with me. Together…

I claim my Inner Strength now. Today, I will consistently honor my inner strength and I will not give up or give in! I stand strong in my Inner Strength to accomplish what I need to do with patience, poise, and practicality. I am resilient. I am strong.


Blue-OutOfBox-CandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of Out-of-the-Box Thinking.

I light the blue candle in honor of the Spiritual Ability of Out-of-the-Box Thinking. As highly creative spiritual people, we know how to use our creativity and innovation to see beyond what’s visible. We are accustomed to travelling off beaten paths because we know it frees up the imagination and helps us gain perspectives that we wouldn’t otherwise have. We are very good at seeing relationships between seemingly disparate things. We are uncanny at seeing order within chaos, rightness in absurdity, truth within ambiguity, and metaphysical interpretations underlying scriptural passages and events.

This candle represents the gift of Out-of-the-Box Thinking we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature – we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form.

Please repeat this Out-of-the-Box Thinking affirmation with me. Together…

I claim my Out-of-the-Box Thinking now. Today, I remain open to Divine Ideas and incredible opportunities everywhere, and make a habit of questioning unquestioned answers.


Orange-OptimisticSpirit-CandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of an Optimistic Spirit.

I light the orange candle in honor of the Spiritual Ability of an Optimistic Spirit. By strengthening our Optimistic Spirit, we stamp indelibly on our minds a mental picture of ourselves as succeeding in whatever we do. I anesthetize every error thought, each self-defeating inclination, and any appearance of obstacles that surface in my conscious awareness. We don’t miss a chance to say ‘yes’ to opportunities; we know that opportunities knock more than once, because that’s the nature of opportunities. And we don’t hesitate to kick negativity to the curb every chance we get. We are not blind in our optimism; however, regardless of how difficult things may look, we remain firmly grounded in expecting a favorable outcome.

This candle represents the gift of an Optimistic Spirit we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature – we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form.

Please repeat this Optimistic Spirit affirmation with me. Together…

I claim my Optimistic Spirit now. Today, I honor my incurable optimism and positive outlook on life. I think positive thoughts, make optimistic choices, and take life-affirming actions. I know with confidence that I can Divinely Order every experience and use my innate Core Abilities and Spiritual Principles to work all things together for good!


Purple-SelfReliance-CandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of Self-Reliance.

I light the purple candle in honor of the Spiritual Ability of Self-Reliance—our Internal Locus of Control. Spiritual people who are self-reliant don’t hesitate to take personal responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions, because they trust their talents, skills, education, experience and instincts. Rather than live in a vicim-consciousness, they approach life with the cumulative force of their personality, authentegrity, and genuineness. Their guru is their own ‘I can do it’ guru. They make it a point to stay in sync with their own rhythm and cadence. They don’t shy away from accountability, answerability or commitment. They are comfortable in their own skin. By being self-reliant in hard times, spiritual people who consistently exercise their self-reliance feel confident that there’s nothing they can’t bounce back from. They’ll bounce back up as many times as it takes to succeed. That means self-reliant spiritual people see setbacks and disappointments as temporary events and not permanent living quarters.

This candle represents the gift of Self-Reliance we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature – we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form.

Please repeat this Self-Reliance affirmation with me. Together…

I claim my Self-Reliance now. Today, I honor my Self-Reliance by trusting in my talents, skills, education, intuition, experience, and instincts. My human nature is aligned with my Extraordinary Nature, and I have control over my response to all the events in my life.


Green-GivingCons-CandleI call forth our Core Spiritual Ability of a Giving Consciousness.

I light the green candle in honor of the Spiritual Ability of a Giving Consciousness. Spiritual people who have a consciousness of giving simply give to give, with no thought of return and no expectation of outcomes. They aren’t driven by materialistic pursuits. They generate an atmosphere of generosity and sharing, and have a warm and inviting spirit about them. Their passion for generosity energizes and revitalizes them to be even more generous. They fully understand that an act of spontaneous giving or a kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion and loving kindness can heal. Spiritual people with a selfless generous spirit know that acts of genuine generosity raise levels of happiness, emotional well-being, contentment, and a deepening of the sense of oneness and community. They don’t measure generosity by the size of the gift, but by the size of the giver’s consciousness. Although many people think first of generosity in monetary terms, spiritual people with a highly developed giving consciousness know that non-monetary gifts, such as time, encouragement, faith-lifts, hope, laughter, hospitality, service, and forgiveness, have considerable life-changing value.

This candle represents the gift of the Giving Consciousness we bring to the world, knowing we are one with our Divine Nature – we are the One Reality expressing as us in human form. 

Please repeat this Consciousness of Giving affirmation with me. Together…

I claim my Giving Consciousness now. Today, I honor my Giving Consciousness by rejoicing in every opportunity for giving, to constantly cultivate goodwill, to help make other people happier, and to bring the joy of generosity to the world.


Following the candle lighting, invite each person to meditate on the candles, and become aware of which Core Ability resonates with them the most. Invite your Higher Self to reveal the Core Ability that will be your touchstone through the rest of this month, and how you can strengthen and develop it.

Allow opportunity for sharing, if desired.




Candle Snuffing and Passing the Light

Sing the MetaSpiritual versions of carols, then go around the circle with each person sharing with the one beside them:

“You are Extraordinary! You are Divine!”

As we snuff out each candle, just know that the candle light is out, but not the light within our hearts. With the snuff of the candle, visualize the energy of that Core Ability expanding and growing, as the energy the candle light represents flows into your being, and through you, is passed on to the world!

You are Extraordinary! You are divine! You ARE Homo Deus Awakened!

Let the Extraordinary Nature that is the Truth of who you are shine forth as you walk the spiritual path on practical feet!


© Bil & Cher Holton, TheGlobalCenterForSpiritualAwakening.com

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