Goldilocks Zone

How the Goldilocks Zone can be a

Spiritual Practice!


If you are thinking this is a blog about the familiar fairy tale of Goldilocks, you are in for a surprise! We are talking state-of-the-art science here! But there is a relationship! Let’s explain.

Given any star in the universe, quantum physicists define the ‘habitable zone’ as the narrow region around the star in which temperatures allow liquid water to exist. The habitable zone is called the ‘Goldilocks Zone,’ because the requirement that liquid water exists means that the development of intelligent life is possible when planetary temperatures are ‘just right.’ Planets in these habitable regions are the likeliest candidates to be capable of supporting extraterrestrial life, which may be similar to our own.

However, these habitable zones should not be confused with planetary habitability. Here’s why. Planetary habitability deals solely with the planetary conditions required to maintain carbon-based life (like us). Habitable zones deal with the stellar conditions necessary to maintain carbon-based life. Physicists are quick to remind us that these two factors are not interchangeable.

A ‘Goldilocks planet’ is a planet that falls within a star’s habitable zone. The name ‘Goldilocks’ is generally used to describe planets close to the size of Earth. The name comes from the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears — remember that childhood tale we mentioned earlier? The story centers around Goldilocks, a little girl, who has to decide between three bowls of porridge. She ignores the bowls that are too hot and too cold and settles for the one that is ‘just right.’


Likewise, a planet following this Goldilocks ‘just-rightness’ is one that is neither too close nor too far from a star to rule out liquid water on its surface and thus, life (as we know it) on the planet’s surface.

From our MetaSpiritual perspective, the Goldilocks Zone is the “Sweet Spot” of our spirituality. When our human nature is totally aligned with our Divine Nature, we have constant access to ‘this habitable spiritual zone’ (the Field of Infinite Potential) through our having achieved ‘YOUniversal Harmony.’ Our “I AM” Nature underwrites the Goldilocks Zone, which is our spiritual address in skin school (our human incarnation).

This spiritual practice invites you to consider the thoughts of some spiritual thought leaders, which we believe relate to the Goldilocks Zone concept. Ponder these quotes:

Ernest HOlmes

Founder of Religious Science

There is hidden within (you) a Divinity (a Goldilocks Zone – our addition). There is incarnated in you and me that which is an incarnation of God. This Divine (Nature) is not a projection of that which is unlike our nature, it is not a projection of the Divine into the human. God can only express (God) within (God). There is and can be no such thing as a distinct and separate individual that would be separate from the universe … We are not individuals in God, for this would presuppose isolation and separation and disunion. (We) are individualizations of God  . . . There is no revelation higher than the realization of the Divinity within us.”

When we talk about the Christ we mean the transcendent Christ, the ascending spiritual consciousness which lifts us above the mundane details of the world. The true Christ … is our Higher Self, the real of us. Jesus embodied it completely and expressed it totally as the Great Example …We find this God-Self and are lifted up into the “heaven” (Goldilocks Zone) of spiritual consciousness when we let the Christ evolve through our thinking and feeling natures, and when we let our consciousness be raised completely to the Christ level.”

Donald Curtis,

Unity Minister

Edgar Cayce

Father of Holistic Medicine & the most documented psychic

of the 20th century

Christ Consciousness is the awareness [Goldilocks Zone] within each soul, waiting to be awakened … Christ Consciousness is a universal consciousness where there is oneness of self, self’s desires, self’s abilities, made in at-one-ment with the forces that may bring to pass that which is sought by an individual entity or soul."

The ‘isness’ of God is in all creatures. There is a great oneing between the Christ and us.

Julian of Norwhich,


Our spiritual Goldilocks Zone is the perfect realm for divine ideas. It is the most habitable ‘place’ for our Authentic Self. The level of consciousness is ‘just right’ for expressing our Divine Nature. It is the ‘place’ where we are most aligned with our Authentic Nature.

So make it a regular practice to spend time in your Goldilocks Zone, through spending time in the Silence. You will emerge feeling “just right” in terms of expressing the Truth of who you REALLY are — as you walk the spiritual path on practical feet.

For more in-depth exploration about the relationship of science and spirituality, we recommend Reconciling the Church's Science Phobia: The Dance Between Science & Spirituality. Learn more about it here.

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