Unclean Spirit Scripture, from a MetaSpiritual Perspective

The "Impure Spirit" Parable

MetaSpiritual Interpretation

The parable of the Impure Spirit is one of those strange stories that is misunderstood or ignored, and yet, from a MetaSpiritual perspective contains a very powerful teaching. Here is a MetaSpiritual interpretation, along with a spiritual practice to bring transform your ability to master the art of living!

The parable is found in both Matthew and Luke. Here is the "literal" translation, as told in Luke 11:24-26. (Matthew's rendition is nearly identical.)

43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. ” (NIV)

Sounds kind of scary, doesn't it? Now let's look at it from a MetaSpiritual Perspective!

There are 5 key ideas we want to interpret first:

  • Impure Spirit represents error thoughts or habits that negate our Divinity and interfere with our Spiritual growth.
  • Arid Places symbolize an environment that lacks spiritual enrichment
  • House represents our consciousness.
  • Swept clean and put in order symbolizes a consciousness that has created a vacuum by recognizing and eliminating error thoughts, without replacing them with spiritual ideas and principles.
  • Eight (original spirit plus the seven it brought back with it) represents a new beginning.

Here is a MetaSpiritual Interpretation, from The Gospel of Luke, New Metaphysical Version

24. When we eliminate a false belief [unclean spirit] from our consciousness, that is to say, deny its illusionary power over us, we censor its potential for growth [it wanders through waterless regions]. However, if we fail to replace a negative belief with a positive outlook, 25. we create room for self-doubt, self-delusion, and self-deception. 26. When we neglect to follow denials [the practice of refusing to give power to error thoughts] with affirmations, we open the door for false beliefs to form outposts in our consciousness. When that happens, we may end up even more confused and disillusioned than we were in the first place.

What this says is that when a person identifies error thinking and refuses to give that thought any power, those error thoughts depart, leaving a void which must be filled. If it is not filled, the error thinking will return, and become even stronger than it was initially, making the person more skeptical and frustrated with the world of appearance than when they began their spiritual journey. This is why it is so important to create a regular practice of prayer and meditation, coupled with denials and affirmations, to refuel and rejuvenate yourself as you continue strengthening your life built on spiritual principles.

Your Spiritual Adventure for this week: 3 Keys to Unlock a New Level in Your Spiritual Consciousness

Identify any error thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, or actions that are out of alignment with the Truth of who you really are! Then use these three practices to reprogram your thinking, feeling, and behaviors to forever lock out those negative practices and rise above the world of appearance!


Key #1: Denials

Denials represent a cleansing of the error thought, feeling, attitude, or action you are experiencing. Denial does not mean you are denying the existence of the error thought, feeling, attitude, or action, It means you DENY GIVING POWER to it.


Key #2: Affirmations

Affirmations represent the claiming of a mighty spiritual principle. This essentially fills the vacuum left when you cleanse the error thought, feeling, attitude, or action from your consciousness. You are replacing it with a strong and powerful statement of TRUTH!


Key #3: Consistent Spiritual Practice

A regular, consistent Spiritual Practice prevents those error thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or actions to return with their friends! Regular time spent in meditation, time spent in your Spiritual Headquarters, allows you to realign your human nature with your Divine Nature, reconnect, receive guidance, and master the art of living at the highest, most elevated levels of Spirit as you walk the spiritual path on practical feet!


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